Universities and School Guide

Ignatius Ajuru University Of Education School Fees For Indigenes (2023/2024)

Welcome to our guide on Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUE) school fees for indigenes in the 2023/2024 academic session. If you’re a Rivers State resident considering IAUE for your undergraduate or postgraduate studies, this article provides a detailed breakdown of school fees and valuable tips to make your education more affordable.

IAUE School Fees for Indigenes (2023/2024):

Here’s a concise overview of the school fees for indigenes at IAUE:

Faculty School Fees (Naira)
Arts 225,000
Business Administration 225,000
Education 225,000
Science 225,000
Social Sciences 225,000

Additional Expenses:

Apart from the base school fees, be prepared for other essential expenses:

  1. Acceptance fee
  2. Hostel accommodation fee
  3. Feeding fee
  4. Transportation fee
  5. Textbook and stationery fee
  6. Medical fee

Money-Saving Tips:

  1. Apply for Scholarships and Bursaries: Explore the various scholarships and bursaries IAUE offers, specifically for indigenes. Visit the university’s official website for detailed information and eligibility criteria.
  2. Early Payment Discounts: IAUE rewards students who pay their school fees in full at the beginning of the semester with discounts. Take advantage of this opportunity to save on your overall education expenses.
  3. Engage in Work-Study Programs: IAUE provides work-study programs, allowing students to earn money while pursuing their studies. Check out available opportunities to support your finances and gain valuable work experience.
  4. Opt for Used Textbooks and Stationery: Instead of buying new, consider purchasing used textbooks and stationery from various sources. This can significantly reduce your expenses while ensuring you have all the necessary materials for your courses.
  5. Cook Your Own Meals: Eating out can strain your budget. Save money by preparing your meals. Consider cooking at home, which not only helps you cut costs but also promotes a healthier lifestyle.


Embarking on your educational journey at IAUE as a Rivers State indigene can be financially manageable with careful planning. By understanding the school fees structure and implementing the money-saving tips provided, you can pursue your studies without unnecessary financial burden. For the latest updates and detailed information, always check IAUE’s official website. Good luck on your academic endeavors!

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