Universities and School Guide

AFIT School Fees For Cyber Security (2023-2024)

Cybersecurity is a dynamic and rapidly growing field, and the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in Nigeria stands out as a premier institution offering top-notch undergraduate and postgraduate programs in this crucial discipline. Known for its high academic standards and commitment to producing skilled graduates, AFIT plays a pivotal role in shaping cybersecurity professionals for the Nigerian Air Force and the nation at large.

In this blog post, we will delve into the essential information regarding AFIT school fees for cyber security in the upcoming 2023-2024 academic session. Additionally, we will provide valuable tips for students on how to manage and finance their education.

AFIT School Fees for Cyber Security (2023-2024):

For the 2023-2024 academic session, the tuition fee for cyber security at AFIT is ₦60,000, covering the entire academic year. However, it’s crucial to note that there are additional fees that students need to consider.

Additional Fees for Cyber Security Students:

  1. Acceptance fee: ₦20,000
  2. Caution deposit: ₦5,000
  3. Sports/Games fee: ₦5,000
  4. Examination fee: ₦4,000
  5. Medical Services fee: ₦10,000
  6. Library Services fee: ₦1,000
  7. Students’ Handbook fee: ₦2,000

Total Fees for Cyber Security Students at AFIT (2023-2024):

The comprehensive fees for cyber security students at AFIT for the 2023-2024 academic session amount to ₦107,000. This includes tuition, acceptance fee, caution deposit, sports/games fee, examination fee, medical services fee, library services fee, and students’ handbook fee.

Tips for Paying for AFIT School Fees for Cyber Security:

  1. Apply for Scholarships and Grants: Explore various scholarships and grants specifically designed for cyber security students at AFIT. These financial aids can significantly alleviate the burden of tuition costs.
  2. Consider Student Loans: Investigate student loan options provided by banks and financial institutions. A student loan can offer the necessary financial support, ensuring you can focus on your studies without worrying about immediate expenses.
  3. Part-Time Work Opportunities: Take advantage of part-time job opportunities available in Kaduna. Working part-time not only provides financial support but also offers valuable practical experience that complements your academic endeavors.


As you embark on your cybersecurity education journey at AFIT, it’s crucial to plan your finances wisely. Understanding the breakdown of fees and exploring various financial aid options will empower you to make informed decisions. By following these tips, you can navigate the financial aspect of your education, ensuring a smooth and successful academic experience at AFIT.

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