Universities and School Guide

AFIT School Fees For Aeronautical Engineering (2023-2024)

Are you considering pursuing aeronautical engineering at the prestigious Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in Nigeria? In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the AFIT school fees for aeronautical engineering for the upcoming 2023-2024 academic session. Additionally, we’ll provide a breakdown of the fees, including tuition and other associated costs, and offer valuable tips on how students can effectively manage and finance their education at AFIT.

AFIT School Fees for Aeronautical Engineering (2023-2024):

For the 2023-2024 academic session, the AFIT school fee for aeronautical engineering is ₦100,000, covering tuition for the entire academic year.

Other Fees for Aeronautical Engineering Students:

Apart from tuition, aeronautical engineering students at AFIT are required to pay the following additional fees:

  1. Acceptance fee: ₦20,000
  2. Caution deposit: ₦5,000
  3. Sports/Games fee: ₦5,000
  4. Examination fee: ₦4,000
  5. Medical Services fee: ₦10,000
  6. Library Services fee: ₦1,000
  7. Students’ Handbook fee: ₦2,000
  8. Specialist Equipment fee: ₦22,800

Total Fees for Aeronautical Engineering Students at AFIT (2023-2024):

The cumulative cost for aeronautical engineering students at AFIT for the upcoming academic session is ₦169,800. This includes tuition, acceptance fee, caution deposit, sports/games fee, examination fee, medical services fee, library services fee, students’ handbook fee, and specialist equipment fee.

Tips for Paying for AFIT School Fees for Aeronautical Engineering:

To ease the financial burden of education at AFIT, consider the following tips:

  1. Apply for Scholarships and Grants: AFIT offers various scholarships and grants for aeronautical engineering students. Take advantage of these opportunities to offset tuition costs.
  2. Explore Student Loans: Investigate student loan options provided by banks and financial institutions. This can provide a structured way to finance your education.
  3. Part-Time Work: Students in Kaduna can explore part-time job opportunities to contribute towards their tuition fees. This practical approach allows you to gain work experience while financing your education.


Navigating the costs of education at AFIT for aeronautical engineering can be challenging, but with careful planning and consideration of available options, students can pursue their academic goals successfully. By exploring scholarships, student loans, and part-time work, aspiring aeronautical engineers can make their educational journey at AFIT both affordable and rewarding.

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