Universities and School Guide

AFIT School Fees For Computer Science (2023-2024)

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Air Force Institute of Technology’s (AFIT) school fees for computer science for the upcoming academic session (2023-2024). As a premier military institution in Nigeria, AFIT is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence in engineering, science, and technology. In this post, we’ll delve into the details of the tuition fees, additional costs, and provide valuable tips on how students can finance their education at AFIT.

AFIT School Fees for Computer Science (2023-2024):

For the upcoming academic session, the tuition fee for computer science at AFIT is set at ₦50,000, covering the entire academic year. This fee reflects AFIT’s dedication to providing quality education at an affordable cost.

Additional Fees for Computer Science Students:

Apart from tuition, computer science students are required to pay the following additional fees:

  1. Acceptance fee: ₦20,000
  2. Caution deposit: ₦5,000
  3. Sports/Games fee: ₦5,000
  4. Examination fee: ₦4,000
  5. Medical Services fee: ₦10,000
  6. Library Services fee: ₦1,000
  7. Students’ Handbook fee: ₦2,000

Total Fees for Computer Science Students at AFIT (2023-2024):

The overall cost for computer science students at AFIT for the upcoming academic session is ₦97,000. This inclusive figure covers tuition, acceptance fee, caution deposit, sports/games fee, examination fee, medical services fee, library services fee, and students’ handbook fee.

Financial Tips for Paying AFIT School Fees for Computer Science:

To assist students in managing their finances, here are some practical tips:

  1. Apply for scholarships and grants: Explore the various scholarships and grants available for computer science students at AFIT. These opportunities can significantly offset the cost of tuition.
  2. Consider student loans: Investigate student loan options provided by banks and financial institutions. A student loan can be a viable solution to finance your education.
  3. Explore part-time employment: Seek part-time job opportunities in Kaduna to contribute towards your tuition fees. Balancing work and studies can be challenging but is a proven way to gain valuable experience while funding your education.


understanding the breakdown of AFIT school fees for computer science and exploring financial strategies is crucial for prospective students. With a commitment to academic excellence and various financing options available, pursuing a computer science degree at AFIT is not only a valuable investment in education but also an achievable one. If you have any further questions or need assistance in planning your finances, feel free to reach out to AFIT’s dedicated support services. Good luck on your academic journey at AFIT!

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