Universities and School Guide

AFIT School Fees For Aerospace Engineering

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), Nigeria’s premier military institution offering top-notch undergraduate and postgraduate programs in engineering, science, and technology. If you’re considering studying aerospace engineering at AFIT for the 2023/2024 academic session, we’ve got you covered with detailed information on tuition fees and valuable financial tips for students.

AFIT School Fees for Aerospace Engineering (2023/2024):

For the 2023/2024 academic session, the tuition fee for aerospace engineering at AFIT is set at ₦100,000. This fee covers the cost of tuition for the entire academic year, ensuring students receive a high-quality education in line with AFIT’s renowned academic standards.

Additional Fees for Aerospace Engineering Students:

Apart from tuition, aerospace engineering students at AFIT will need to budget for several other fees:

  1. Acceptance fee: ₦20,000
  2. Caution deposit: ₦5,000
  3. Sports/Games fee: ₦5,000
  4. Examination fee: ₦4,000
  5. Medical Services fee: ₦10,000
  6. Library Services fee: ₦1,000
  7. Students’ Handbook fee: ₦2,000
  8. Specialist Equipment fee: ₦22,800

Total Fees for Aerospace Engineering Students at AFIT (2023/2024):

The cumulative cost for aerospace engineering students at AFIT for the 2023/2024 academic session is ₦169,800. This total encompasses tuition, acceptance fee, caution deposit, sports/games fee, examination fee, medical services fee, library services fee, students’ handbook fee, and specialist equipment fee.

Financial Tips for Paying AFIT School Fees:

To help ease the financial burden, consider the following tips:

  1. Apply for Scholarships and Grants: Take advantage of available scholarships and grants specifically designed for aerospace engineering students at AFIT. Many institutions and organizations offer financial aid to deserving students.
  2. Explore Student Loans: Investigate student loan options provided by banks and financial institutions. A student loan can be a viable solution to cover tuition fees, allowing you to focus on your education.
  3. Part-Time Work: Consider working part-time to supplement your income. Many students successfully balance work and academics, gaining valuable experience while contributing to their educational expenses.


Embarking on your aerospace engineering journey at AFIT is an exciting endeavor. By understanding the breakdown of fees and implementing strategic financial planning, you can pursue your education with confidence. Don’t forget to explore available scholarships, consider student loans, and explore part-time work opportunities to make your AFIT experience financially manageable.

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