Universities and School Guide

AFIT School Fees For Nursing

Are you considering pursuing nursing at the prestigious Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in Nigeria? We’ve got you covered with essential information about the AFIT school fees for nursing for the upcoming 2023/2024 academic session. In this blog post, we’ll break down the costs, including tuition and additional fees, and offer valuable tips on how to financially navigate your academic journey.

AFIT School Fees for Nursing (2023/2024):

For the 2023/2024 academic session, the AFIT school fee for nursing stands at ₦50,000, covering tuition for the entire year.

Additional Fees for Nursing Students:

In addition to tuition, nursing students are required to pay various fees:

  1. Acceptance fee: ₦20,000
  2. Caution deposit: ₦5,000
  3. Sports/Games fee: ₦5,000
  4. Examination fee: ₦4,000
  5. Medical Services fee: ₦10,000
  6. Library Services fee: ₦1,000
  7. Students’ Handbook fee: ₦2,000

Total Fees for Nursing Students at AFIT (2023/2024):

The overall cost for nursing students at AFIT for the 2023/2024 academic session amounts to ₦97,000. This total covers tuition, acceptance fee, caution deposit, sports/games fee, examination fee, medical services fee, library services fee, and students’ handbook fee.

Financial Tips for Paying AFIT School Fees for Nursing:

  1. Apply for Scholarships and Grants: Explore available scholarships and grants specifically tailored for nursing students at AFIT. These financial aids can significantly offset the overall cost of tuition.
  2. Student Loans: Consider obtaining a student loan from reputable banks or financial institutions to assist in covering your tuition fees. Be sure to research interest rates and repayment terms before committing.
  3. Part-Time Work: Explore part-time job opportunities in Kaduna to supplement your income. Working part-time can help you gain valuable experience while contributing to your financial independence.


Navigating the financial aspects of pursuing a nursing degree at AFIT is crucial for a smooth academic journey. By understanding the breakdown of fees and implementing these financial tips, you can focus on your education and future career without unnecessary financial stress.

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