Universities and School Guide

Bauchi State University School Fees For Non-Indigenes (2023/2024)

Bauchi State University (BASUG), located in the serene town of Gadau, Bauchi State, Nigeria, has become a sought-after institution for students across the country. Established in 2011, BASUG boasts a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, attracting both indigene and non-indigene students. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the details of BASUG school fees for non-indigene students for the upcoming 2023/2024 academic session, including tuition fees, additional charges, and the payment process.

BASUG School Fees for Non-Indigene Students (2023/2024):

For the 2023/2024 academic session, non-indigene students at BASUG will be subject to the following school fees:

Freshers: N30,000 Returning Students: N25,000

Other Fees:

Apart from tuition, non-indigene students are required to pay several additional fees:

  1. Acceptance fee: N5,000
  2. Accommodation fee: N10,000
  3. Medical examination fee: N5,000
  4. Student Union Government (SUG) fee: N2,000
  5. Sports fee: N1,000
  6. Library fee: N1,000
  7. Development levy: N5,000

Total Fees:

The total fees for non-indigene students for the 2023/2024 academic session are as follows:

Freshers: N60,500 Returning Students: N50,500

How to Pay BASUG School Fees:

Follow these simple steps to pay your BASUG school fees:

  1. Visit the BASUG website and log in to your student portal.
  2. Click on the “Fees” tab and select “School Fees.”
  3. Enter the amount you want to pay and click on the “Pay Now” button.
  4. Choose your preferred payment method and complete the payment process.

Important Notes:

  • BASUG school fees are non-refundable.
  • Failure to pay fees by the deadline will result in denied access to classes and university facilities.
  • Students damaging university property will be held responsible for repair costs.

Benefits of Studying at BASUG:

Choosing BASUG comes with numerous advantages, including:

  1. High-Quality Education: BASUG provides education at international standards.
  2. Experienced Lecturers: The institution boasts a team of qualified lecturers dedicated to student success.
  3. Well-Equipped Facilities: Students have access to state-of-the-art facilities, including libraries and labs.
  4. Industry Partnerships: BASUG’s strong industry ties offer students hands-on experience and internship opportunities.


As you embark on your academic journey at BASUG, understanding the school fees structure is crucial. This guide serves as your go-to resource for the 2023/2024 academic session, ensuring a smooth and informed process. Embrace the benefits of studying at BASUG and set the foundation for a successful educational experience.

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