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Owning a home is a universal dream, and in Nigeria, it’s often considered a significant part of the “Nigerian Dream.” However, navigating the complex landscape of mortgage loans can be challenging. In this guide, we’ll break down the essential steps to help you achieve your dream of becoming a homeowner in Nigeria.

How to Get a Mortgage Loan in Nigeria

1. Save a Deposit:

To kickstart your journey to homeownership, start by saving for a deposit. The required percentage may vary depending on property owners or financing institutions. A solid deposit is crucial for securing a mortgage, so plan accordingly.

2. Explore House Buying Schemes:

Optimize your chances by engaging house buying schemes like the National Housing Fund (NHF) or private developers. These entities offer insights into the best deals, financing solutions, and exclusive offers for aspiring homeowners.

3. Plan for the Long Term:

Mortgages involve long-term commitments, so it’s vital to budget wisely. Ensure that your mortgage payments don’t exceed one-quarter of your income. Utilize mortgage calculators to structure your monthly expenses and determine a manageable contribution towards your dream home.

4. Search for a Home:

With your deposit ready and various mortgage offers assessed, start the exciting process of house hunting. House-buying schemes can simplify this step by connecting you with homes that align with your mortgage payment plans.

5. Obtain a Mortgage Loan:

Once you’ve identified the ideal property and structured your budget, initiate formal talks with mortgage providers. Complete the necessary paperwork and research diligently to make informed decisions about your new home.

Who Can Apply for a Mortgage Loan?

In Nigeria, anyone with a steady income can apply for a mortgage. Mortgage companies are interested in:

  • Your monthly income and expenditure
  • Your debt profile
  • The property’s value you intend to purchase
  • Assessing if the mortgage is within your financial means

Challenges in Obtaining a Mortgage Loan in Nigeria

Several factors make securing a mortgage challenging, including:

  • Poor debt profiling, hindering lenders from predicting your payment reliability.
  • Insufficient deposit, limiting your mortgage options and potential home choices.
  • Lack of collateral, a common obstacle in obtaining the desired loan.
  • Limited knowledge about how mortgages work, emphasizing the importance of understanding the process.


Before diving into the mortgage journey, consider your deposit amount carefully. While there’s no fixed limit, a smaller deposit may require a higher percentage mortgage cover. By understanding the nuances of the process and addressing potential challenges, you can navigate the path to homeownership in Nigeria successfully.

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