Universities and School Guide

How to Correct Name on JAMB Portal 2023/2024 – STEPS

Correctly entering your name during JAMB registration is crucial for a smooth admission process and avoids future complications. Mistakes happen, but luckily, JAMB provides a straightforward procedure to correct name-related errors on their portal. In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process for correcting your name on the JAMB portal for the upcoming academic session.

  1. Importance of Your Name:

    • Emphasize the significance of having an accurate name on official documents and for identification purposes.
    • Highlight how a correct name ensures a seamless admission process and prevents issues when presenting documents.
  2. Identifying the Error:

    • Guide candidates on how to identify specific errors in their names, such as misspellings, wrong initials, or missing parts.
    • Encourage a careful scrutiny of JAMB registration slips and official documents to pinpoint discrepancies.
  3. Collecting Required Documents:

    • Stress the need for specific documents for verification, including the original birth certificate, local government identification certificate, original JAMB registration slip, National Identification Number (NIN), and passport photographs.
  4. Visiting an Accredited JAMB Office:

    • Instruct candidates to visit the nearest JAMB office or a designated correction center.
    • Suggest consulting the official JAMB website for a list of accredited centers in their location.
  5. Obtaining the JAMB Correction Form:

    • Advise on inquiring about the correction form at the designated JAMB office.
    • Emphasize the importance of accurate form completion and double-checking information before submission.
  6. Paying Necessary Fees:

    • Inform about the specific fee charged by JAMB for name corrections.
    • Guide candidates to the JAMB office’s payment portal or officials for the current fee and payment process.
  7. Submitting the Correction Form:

    • Stress the importance of submitting the completed form along with necessary documents.
    • Highlight the verification process by JAMB officials and the need for accurate information matching original documents.
  8. Following Up and Tracking Progress:

    • Advise on monitoring the progress of the correction request.
    • Mention additional options provided by JAMB for tracking status, such as online tracking or SMS notifications.


ensuring the accuracy of your name on the JAMB portal is crucial for a seamless admission process. Mistakes in your name can lead to complications in obtaining admission, presenting documents, or receiving final results. By following this step-by-step guide, you can efficiently rectify any errors. Remember to review your registration details, consult the official JAMB website, and gather the necessary documents. Correcting your name on the JAMB portal is a manageable process that ensures a hassle-free academic journey.

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