Universities and School Guide

Ilaro Poly School Fees For Part-Time Student (2023/2024)

Embarking on a part-time degree at Ilaro Polytechnic can be a game-changer for your career without compromising your full-time job. For those seeking affordable education, part-time studies at Ilaro Poly offer a cost-effective alternative. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the school fees for part-time students in the upcoming 2023/2024 academic session and provide valuable tips on managing these costs.

Ilaro Poly School Fees for Part-Time Students (2023/2024):

Understanding the financial commitment is crucial, so let’s break down the part-time school fees at Ilaro Polytechnic:

  • ND: ₦56,900
  • HND: ₦91,900

Keep in mind that these figures represent the basic school fees, and additional costs such as acceptance fees, registration fees, and exam fees may apply.

Tips for Affording School Fees:

  1. Apply for Scholarships: Ilaro Polytechnic offers various scholarships for part-time students. Detailed information about these opportunities can be found on the polytechnic’s official website.
  2. Get a Part-Time Job: Explore part-time job opportunities in Ilaro, ranging from tutoring to positions in restaurants or retail stores. Earning extra income can significantly ease the financial burden of school fees.
  3. Take Out a Student Loan: If self-funding is challenging, consider exploring student loans offered by banks and financial institutions in Nigeria. Ensure you understand the terms and conditions before committing to a loan.

Benefits of Studying Part-Time at Ilaro Poly:

  1. Flexibility: Part-time programs at Ilaro Polytechnic offer flexibility, allowing students to tailor their class schedules to accommodate work and other commitments. This flexibility is ideal for those juggling full-time jobs or other responsibilities.
  2. Affordability: Part-time school fees are generally more budget-friendly than their full-time counterparts. This affordability makes part-time study at Ilaro Polytechnic an accessible option for a broader range of students.
  3. Quality Education: Despite being part-time, Ilaro Polytechnic ensures that part-time students receive the same high-quality education as their full-time counterparts. The institution boasts experienced faculty members committed to fostering student success.


Embarking on a part-time journey at Ilaro Polytechnic opens doors to academic and career advancement without compromising financial stability. By understanding the school fees and implementing practical tips to manage costs, you can unlock the benefits of part-time education at Ilaro Poly. Explore the possibilities, invest in your future, and embrace the flexibility and affordability that Ilaro Polytechnic’s part-time programs offer.

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