Universities and School Guide

Novelty Polytechnic, Kishi Cut-Off Marks For All Courses

Aspiring students eager to join the ranks of Novelty Polytechnic, Kishi, in Oyo State, Nigeria, often seek clarity on the institution’s admission cut-off marks. In this blog post, we provide a detailed and up-to-date guide on the cut-off marks for various courses at Novelty Polytechnic, shedding light on the factors that influence these marks and offering valuable insights for prospective students.

Understanding Cut-Off Marks:

Cut-off marks represent the minimum scores required for admission into specific courses at an institution. These benchmarks are determined by factors such as program competitiveness, available spaces, and overall academic performance of applicants.

Novelty Polytechnic, Kishi Cut-Off Marks:

To maintain transparency and fairness, Novelty Polytechnic, Kishi, annually publishes its cut-off marks. These serve as a crucial reference for applicants, indicating the minimum scores needed for admission.

National Diploma (ND) Cut-Off Marks:

For National Diploma (ND) programs, cut-off marks at Novelty Polytechnic, Kishi, typically range from 120 to 180. This implies that applicants must attain a minimum score of 120 in their chosen course for consideration.

Higher National Diploma (HND) Cut-Off Marks:

For Higher National Diploma (HND) programs, cut-off marks generally fall between 150 and 200. Prospective students must achieve a minimum score of 150 in their chosen HND course to be eligible for admission.

Factors Influencing Cut-Off Marks:

It’s crucial to recognize that cut-off marks are dynamic and subject to change. Various factors can influence these marks, including:

  1. Number of Applicants:
    • A high demand for a particular course may lead to an increase in the cut-off mark.
  2. Academic Performance:
    • If applicants exhibit impressive average scores, the cut-off mark may be adjusted accordingly.
  3. Availability of Spaces:
    • Limited spaces in a course may result in a higher cut-off mark, ensuring admission for the most qualified applicants.

Tips for Aspiring Students:

Navigating the admission process at Novelty Polytechnic, Kishi, requires strategic planning. Here are some tips for aspiring students:

  1. Score Well:
    • Aim for scores above the minimum cut-off to enhance your chances of securing admission.
  2. Research Course Demands:
    • Understand the demand for each course and plan accordingly.
  3. Stay Informed:
    • Regularly check for updates on cut-off marks and admission procedures.


Prospective students eyeing admission to Novelty Polytechnic, Kishi, now have a comprehensive guide to cut-off marks and the factors influencing them. By staying informed and preparing strategically, aspiring students can increase their chances of securing a spot at this renowned institution. Good luck on your academic journey!

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