Universities and School Guide

UAES Aggregate Score for All Courses

Are you aspiring to join the prestigious University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (UAES) Umuagwo? Understanding the intricacies of cut-off marks is crucial for securing admission into the program of your choice. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unravel the mystery surrounding UAES cut-off marks, providing valuable insights to help you navigate the competitive landscape and increase your chances of success.

The Significance of Cut-Off Marks:

Cut-off marks serve as the gateway to UAES programs, representing the minimum aggregate score required for admission. By combining your Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and Post-UTME results, UAES calculates an average score using the formula:

With a balanced 50-50 weighting between UTME and Post-UTME, meeting or exceeding the advertised cut-off marks is your ticket to consideration, while falling below automatically disqualifies you.

Factors Influencing Cut-Off Scores:

UAES’ Admission Board meticulously considers various factors when determining cut-off scores for different programs, ensuring a fair and competitive admission process. These factors include:

  1. Competitiveness: Courses in high demand have higher cut-offs, narrowing down the pool of applicants.
  2. Academic Rigor: More complex courses require higher cut-offs to ensure students can handle the intensity and excel in their studies.
  3. Available Spaces: Limited vacancies lead to more stringent cut-off marks to manage intake quotas.
  4. Facility Constraints: Courses with specific facility requirements may have higher cut-offs based on lab or farm capacities.
  5. Past Trends: Historical data guides the setting of new cut-off marks, ensuring consistency and attracting appropriately qualified candidates.

Popular Courses and Their Cut-Off Marks:

For those eyeing competitive faculties like Agricultural Sciences and Agribusiness, here’s an overview of indicative aggregate cut-off marks for some popular courses:

  1. Agricultural Economics – 180%: Top performers with strong analytical skills should aim for an aggressive 180+ cut-off.
  2. Agricultural Extension – 175%: High cut-offs ensure admission of applicants capable of effectively supporting agricultural transformation.
  3. Crop Production – 170%: Merit-based admission targets top-notch candidates for the development of skilled crop scientists and managers.
  4. Animal Production – 165%: Aiming for consistency, this cut-off targets applicants with a solid understanding of biological systems.
  5. Soil Science – 160%: High cut-off scores are essential for admission to this foundational course, producing soil experts for sustainable farming.
  6. Forestry & Wildfire – 155%: Moderately high cut-offs ensure the admission of quality graduates to address climate change impacts and preserve biodiversity.


UAES consistently reviews and adjusts cut-off marks based on approved criteria, maintaining high admission standards. By upholding these standards, UAES continues to develop leaders, stewards, policymakers, and change agents equipped to drive innovative food systems and sustainable development globally. As a prospective student, understanding and aiming for these cut-offs will set you on the path to success in shaping the future of agriculture and the environment. Good luck on your journey to UAES!

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